Friday, February 21, 2014

Checking your power-steering fluid on a regular basis.

Check the power-steering fluid once a month with the car warmed up. If the level is low, have the hoses and pump inspected for leaks. In addition to making your car difficult to steer, low power-steering fluid will damage the power-steering pump. Be sure to use the power-steering fluid recommended for your car.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Car Tip of the Week: Don’t forget about your car’s timing belt!

On many cars, the timing belt is the belt you can’t see but just happens to be the most critical when it comes to your vehicle’s health. If your owner’s manual says, as many do, that you should replace the timing belt within a specific mileage range, make sure you do it! We guarantee you do NOT want to experience the trouble and headaches a failed timing belt can bring and, depending on engine type, the thousands of dollars required in order to have it repaired.